RedCube Dubai is world’s first company specializing in manufacturing and supplying the digital delivery boxes with partnership with global leaders in screen technology.The South Korean entity currently focuses on R&D and manufacturing while the UAE entity focuses on a global commercialization, expansions, and project implementations. Our company provides all-inclusive solution for delivery aggregators and successfully expanding into the global delivery market including UAE.
Over the years, we've grown our capability and footprint through our innovation and development.
We have achieved a lot in the last few years, and we are excited for the next.
Research, development and testing
Strategic partnership with LG Korea
Participate in various global
exhibition. UAE, USA, Europe
Our establishment
Manufacturing started
Pilot project in south korea
Establishment in UAE
Start of commercialization Global PCT applied
Our establishment
Company establishment
Strategic partnership LG
Manufacturing started
Pilot project in south korea
Participate in various global
exhibition. UAE, USA, Europe
Established in Dubai
Start of commercialization
Global PCt applied
With our global marketing and strategy team we have participated in various global exhibition and innovation tech competition. Our tech has received various global awards and recognized as one of the leading technologies in IOT and advertising domain by prestigious international agencies.
Since 2017 we were involved in research and development of digital delivery box our tech is highly protected & globally recognized
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Geneva International Invention
Exhibition, Switzerland
Moscow International
Invention Exhibition, Russia
International Invention &
Innovation Technology Exhibition
(ITEX), Malaysia
World Invention Innovation
Taiwan International Invention